Portfolio A Mississippi Alien EncounterDay 138Leaky Pipe in the DesertDay 137Storm at SeaDay 136A HandDay 135DogDay 134The Nose KnowsDay 133Apparitions in the Night SkyDay 132Man Resting in His HomeDay 131Figures on a BoatDay 130False HorseDay 129False DockDay 128Machine in IdleDay 127Scene from a Warm DayDay 126MasksDay 125Tree in the Night IIDay 124Night in MiamiDay 123Desert VisionsDay 122UntitledDay 121Flowers Blooming at NightDay 120Bird by the Lake at NightDay 119A Small Cluster of AsteroidsDay 118Birds in the Park at NightDay 117Tree in the NightDay 116Ghosts Standing at the BeachDay 115Looking into the Backyard at NightDay 114Still Life with FlowersDay 113Snake, Moments Before Being Tread On, in the RoadDay 112Spotting a Home InvaderDay 111Spirit Erupting from a Hole in the DesertDay 110On the Bluffs Atop the BeachDay 109Tree Incubating an Egg at the BeachDay 108Midnight AnimalDay 107By the Beach at NightDay 106Watching a Missile Launch from the Forest at NightDay 105Orderly Desert ObjectsDay 104Fake Cactus in the Desert IIDay 103Walking Through the Prairie at NightDay 102In the Prairie at NightDay 101Delusion at Night IIDay 100The MoonDay 99Apparitions While Looking at the Moon IIDay 98Shooting RangeDay 97UntitledDay 96Fake Cactus in the DesertDay 95Intruder Emerging Through the Open WindowDay 94Ants Crawling Over a Sleeping ManDay 93Dog Sleeping During a Firework ShowDay 92Cactus Next to a Monument Near the BeachDay 91A Warm Welcoming HomeDay 90Monument Atop the BluffsDay 89Missile Launch in the Desert at NightDay 88Weeping TreeDay 87A Small ProcessionDay 86MachineDay 85Ghosts in a House During a Storm at SeaDay 84Night at the LakeDay 83UntitledDay 82Don’t Mind Me!Day 81Nearing the Desert CaveDay 80Getting Jumped in a Park at NightDay 79Emerging Horn in SewersDay 78Guiding GhostDay 77Greeting at the BeachDay 76A RobberyDay 75Apparitions While Looking at the MoonDay 74Imaginary Friend at the BeachDay 73Faces in the NightDay 72Long DogDay 71Father Looking For His Child in the SewersDay 70The Dog’s Dream IIDay 69Clean Machine at DuskDay 68NeverlandDay 67Pipes at the BeachDay 66A NightmareDay 65Jack’s FateDay 64Worms in a DreamDay 63Ghost Hiding Among Toxic WasteDay 62Fishing Near HomeDay 61Snake Emerging from Lamp at the BeachDay 60Self Portrait if I worked in an OfficeDay 59Noisy House at NightDay 58Passing a Tree on a HikeDay 57Man and a Ghost at the BeachDay 56Outside a Factory at NightDay 55Play Poster for InvocationsDay 54Dog That is Close to a PowerplantDay 53Face in the NightDay 52Caught at NightDay 51Snake at Night 2Day 50Snake at NightDay 49Cactus Morphing in the Sky Part 2Day 48Cactus Morphing in the Sky Part 1Day 47Ants Consuming Dog in CaveDay 46Horn Before it Plays a Note that Wakes YouDay 45Vase by the Road at NightDay 44Snail at NightDay 43The Dog Can’t Bark AnymoreDay 42Spontaneous Decapitation of a Guard DogDay 41The Ghost of a Giant in the WoodsDay 40Metamorphosis Atop the CliffsDay 39Dog Sleeping at the BeachDay 38StoplightDay 37Dog Caught Snooping at NightDay 36A Ghost Drinks from the Pool at NightDay 35A Murder at the BeachDay 34Vase in my Grandfather’s HouseDay 33Dog Chasing Ball at NightDay 32Pet Dog Sleeping in a MeadowDay 31Portrait of a Man Looking Into a HouseDay 30Stray Dog Sleeping in AlleyDay 29The Day After the Ghostly EncounterDay 28Building a Sand Castle at the BeachDay 27A Mother Looking for her Child in the SewersDay 26A Ghost Outside the Power PlantDay 25The Dog’s DreamDay 24Man In a CaveDay 23Self PortraitDay 22Frightened Dog During (What He Thinks Is) a House InvasionDay 21She has CancerDay 20Mother and Child Hiding in their RoomDay 19A Stroll at NightDay 18Robbers Intruding Upon a Property at NightDay 17Another Man Standing on the BeachDay 16Man Standing on the BeachDay 15To Be PrettyDay 14CockroachDay 13Portrait of a Boy next to a Window at NightDay 12House with Open Doors at NightDay 11Intruder Sneaking into a House at NightDay 10Yard at NightDay 9Dog Sleeping at HomeDay 8UntitledDay 7A Man Jealous of his BrotherDay 6House Dogs Patrolling their YardDay 5My Grandmother’s PorchDay 4The Dog’s DreamDay 3Spirit Rising from the Pool at NightDay 2Delusion at NightDay 1